If you Press Here, you can manifest anything you want using the law of attraction. The reason is NOT what you think. What this does it help you remember the very basic truth; everything is energy, and you can use the law of attraction for your dream life!
The law of attraction is basically telling us that “LIKE ENERGY ATTRACTS LIKE ENERGY.” When you Press Here on your hand, you will feel the electromagnetic pulses that are coming through your brain. What this does is allow you to realize that everything is energy, and you can change your frequency, so you can use the law of attraction.
Manifest anything you want using the law of attraction, so that you can get control of your life, your energy, and your wisdom.
So if you press right here in between your thumb and your index finger, you can release the power of the law of attraction just by following what I’m saying happens as a response of pressing right here. And I will explain all of that in a couple of easy steps that will allow you to unleash the power of the law of attraction in the universe. More importantly, to manifest whatever you want in life. So make sure you hit the like button right over there, or right over there on this side. And let’s dive right into this video.
Now, if you press hard right here, what happens is you obviously feel a little sensation. It feels a little discomforting. If you press real tough, right in the center, you feel some pain. So what is that? So some type of attendant or a nerve and what’s really happening is instantly through your nervous system. You are instantly sending an electronic message and electromagnetic signal back to the cells of recognition in your brain. Instantly. This is all activating, sending back the sensation of pain or discomfort and boom. So what does this say? It’s saying that everything that happens is happening based off an electronic signal and an energy message that is sending through your nervous system and through your brain, which is basically telling us that all reality is more or less a simulation reality is a simulation that it’s based off of energy through your nervous system, you have cells of recognition that create memorable sensations that make things feel as if they’re real.
It’s all based off of energy, energy, energy, energy. This proves it. This isn’t, this isn’t anything other than an electromagnetic message. So we say, is this discomforting well, technically it’s just an electromagnetic message. Now your brain measures, brainwaves States. Those are electromagnetic frequencies, your heart. When you’re in the hospital, you get this thing. It goes, boom, boom, boom. And it’s measuring your waves. What is it doing? It’s measuring the electromagnetic signal that your heart is sending. What is the same? Every single thing in the universe is one thing in that one thing is energy. Everything is energy. Well, what does this have to do with the law of attraction? In the most basic definition of the word law of attraction says like energy attracts like energy. So comment that down below like energy attracts like energy and everything is energy. The law of attraction is really a secondary law to the law of vibration and the law of vibration decrees that everything in the physical universe is actually energy in motion.
You hear that? That’s just a bunch of energy. It sounds solid, but it’s a massive energy moving at a very high speed of vibration. Everything is energy flash forward to the law of attraction, like energy attracts like energy. Well, what are your thoughts? They’re just energy. Moving at a frequency rate that you cannot see. You can see the effect of thoughts, but you can’t see thoughts themselves. What are your emotions there? Your energy in motion there, your, your dominant vibrational frequency that you are emanating to the universe. So if everything is energy and this touching right here is a clear indication that every thing is energy. If this is a clear indication of that, then couldn’t you. Instead of just going like this to make yourself aware of energy, couldn’t you instead send intentional thoughts or intentional feelings or intentional emotions, couldn’t you instead start thinking and feeling about what you want.
PROOF: Press Here for 60 Seconds To Manifest ANYTHING Using The Law of Attraction (INSTANT RESULTS!)