This is the money technique that you can use as well to grow your income drastically and put more money away in savings as well.
In this video we discuss how to use the law of attraction to manifest money and success fast. This is Law of attraction explained in a simple manner so you can easily apply it to your everyday life.
Everybody’s telling you save 10% of your money. Well I want to share with you why that’s totally wrong, and how I went from literally having zero dollars in savings, in just a few years, in 12 months. In the last 12 months I’ve saved six figures. Not earn six figures – I’ve saved six figures. And this is the money technique that you can use as well to grow your income drastically and put more money away in savings as well.
This is Jake Ducey. They don’t tell you this and I think it’s for a very specific reason if you have not subscribed yet be sure to hit the subscribe button right over there and hit the bell notification because that’s what’s gonna notify you for new video subscribe down notification let’s get right to the video okay so everyone’s always talking about save 10% think about the math of 10% so let’s say that the average person in America made $40,000 a year what’s 10% of $40,000 not very much you can’t do that much with that much money and so okay well what it let’s say everyone made $100,000 what’s 10% of that 10,000 I’m in in California to get it if you’re gonna buy a home in California you’re talking about a standard 20% down payment how long is that going to take you let’s say if the average home was was $600,000 in California so 10% of that is 60 20% is a hundred and twenty so if you were making a hundred thousand a year saving 10% meaning you were putting ten thousand dollars away and you needed a hundred twenty thousand dollars it would take you 12 years now a lot of people would say a home is maybe not the best investment in today’s economy I’m just using that as a metric to understand the basic map of how long 10% it would take you now one of the most famous investors in the world was named Sir John Templeton Sir John Templeton would say 50% of his income and I once heard the famous motivational speaker Eric Thomas say your life will change when you stop setting goals to make six figures and start setting goals to save six figures that seemed ludicrous to me I had no money my now life was in debt at the time because I couldn’t pay for anything it was ludicrous but I started saying any money that came in which wasn’t very much money was gonna be saved at a 40% ratio now this was extremely difficult because you say well how am I supposed to live and how most people do is what they do is they try to lower their standard of living to meet their income Bob Proctor says don’t lower your standard of living to meet your income raise your income to meet your standard of living so it was non-negotiable 40% was going away and that’s very difficult when you aren’t making any money at all I’m talking about well under a thousand US dollars a month which if you live in Southern California I mean rent is gonna cost you that in and of itself and I was saving 40% of it and so what happened was it made my mind start to say okay so how do I create more money it moves you from a limited point of view where most people are saying you know how do I penny pinch this 10% of this limited amount of income that I have I was forced to say okay I’m saving 40% of this non-existent income that I have how do I create more money so that I can actually live the life that I want to live because if I’m putting 40% away that means I need to earn and create a lot more value in the world so that I can create an income that I can actually live off of and so what happened was it started expanding my mind and what took place was absolutely nothing short of phenomenal it didn’t take very long for my business to get to the seven-figure mark and for me to go from saving in a month more money than I was making in a year now it’s this is simple math and the simple math is like this if you keep your mind inside a little box of 10% and you try to figure out how to squeak by on that what’s gonna happen to your mind your mind is gonna get set on living off that limited amount of money whereas if you’re saving 40% and you’re forcing yourself to do it now get this the worst thing that’s gonna happen is you’re gonna have the money so if you were saving 40% and then something came up and it wasn’t feasible anymore you’d have the money people say I can’t do that well you can because either way you’re gonna have the money if you needed to spend that some of that 40% you could spend it why because you had the money in the first place otherwise what happens is we say 10% were less and then that other 90% gets spent something happens where you need money and you don’t have any money because you’ve only been saving 10% you’ve been spending 90% of it so in a sense it’s a short-term restriction that causes a long-term expansion in your mind that says how can I raise my paradigm about income and savings so that I can still live the life that I want while I’m saving 40% and eventually it becomes a habit it becomes very easy I’ve been doing this for numerous years now so it’s like it’s not even a question it’s become a very basic thing and it makes me instead say I need to make exponentially more money to live the life that I want because I’m putting so much of it away and if you’re up to the challenge I invite you to start experimenting with the same thing saving 40 percent of your income and if you can’t work your way up to that at least if you save 10% work your way up to 20 if you save 20 work your way up to 30 and make your way all the way up to 40 and if that seems difficult then the question that you got to start asking yourself is how can I attract manifest and create more money in my life now most people aren’t asking themselves that question but when your mandatory making it non-negotiable for you to save 40 percent of your income it causes you to start asking a different question and what began to happen is I set my mind unconsciously as a result of having 40 percent of my income vanished just like that it makes money and made my mind start to expand on the possibilities for actually my income in my life and as a result of that my income skyrocketed as well and my savings did and so nobody really talks about this type of stuff and I think it’s probably more than anything is is the Michelangelo quote he says that the biggest tragedy in life isn’t aiming too high and missing it’s aiming too low and reaching it the biggest tragedy in life isn’t aiming too high and missing it’s aiming too low and reaching it and most people are aiming so low they just focus on saving the most nominal amount of money as they can but get this the government is probably not going to take care of you when it’s come to her retirement your family member might not be able to take care of you later in life it’s your job as an individual to take total personal responsibility of your financial situation that means having the money put away for six months 12 months having the money put away another set of money to put away that you can invest having money put away to put your children into the college that they want to go to working to have the money put away so that your spouse doesn’t have to work having money put away so you can get life insurance and you’re the main breadwinner and your family and god forbid you pass away or something happens to you you need to be able to rest assured have money put away for the other people in your family I didn’t know that until I got married and then I said well I mean what happens if something happened to me well I need to get life insurance will that cost money and I have that now for my life but what happened was my mind kept expanding now most people are trying to say what can i what can i think out of my limited amount of money instead how can I attract more of it to take care of my situation and so I invite you to challenge yourself in that respect and see how far you can really go because you’ll probably be amazed at what you’re truly capable of you have great talents within you money comes to you when you provide more value to the world and as you begin you as you continue to provide more value and as you continue to expand your consciousness and ask yourself the questions how can I attract more money then what happens is it becomes easier and easier to put more away and to earn more of it so this is Jake Ducey with Jake do sakam Ben the one thing that changed my life was my success hypnosis I created a financial success if gnosis for myself and I started listening to it every single day while I had these new financial goals in these new savings goals and it changed my life and it’s down there below it’s free it’s Jake’s hypnosis calm right there down below psychologists say we have that we have approximately 65,000 thoughts in a day 95% of our life is subconscious its habitual and if you can reprogram that and get your subconscious set up to be a magnet for you to attract success and money it will change your life it changed my life and it can change yours and this is free over 200,000 people from all over the world I’ve used it it’s Jake’s enosis calm right there down below Jake’s hypnosis calm right there down below so make sure you down that comment down below I am a money magnet comment down below I am a money magnet you are a money magnet start talking like that start communicating with yourself and having conversations with yourself about being a money magnet see your big financial goals and dreams and your savings and the things that you want to do with money and see yourself as a person that can put more and more and more and more and more money away so comment down below I am a money magnet hit the subscribe button the bail notification right over there in the corner I’ll see you on the next video and I’m hoping this inspired you because it’s something that changed my life so let me know down below if this speaks to you I’ll see you on the next video.
There are certain tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest money, and we discuss them here.
Most people struggle with law of attraction because they’ve never properly understood how they work.
And most people struggle with money because they do not understand what money is, and because their relationship with money is so poor.
In this video you’ll learn how to use the law of attraction easily to manifest more money and success into your life.
The first step is to understand that you’re always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously.
We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life.
You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It’s a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system.
This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality.
3 Things I Let Go Of To MANIFEST MONEY FAST With The Secret (Law of Attraction 2019)