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Shocking Yet Powerful Secret Quantum Laws Of The Universe For Manifesting ANYTHING You Want ✅

Shocking Yet Powerful Secret Quantum Laws Of The Universe For Manifesting ANYTHING You Want ✅

In this video we discuss the law of attraction and the secret laws of the universe and the quantum laws of the universe, and how you use them for manifesting anything you want in life.

This is important because most people are stuck thinking linear. This limits them from the real possibilities of how quickly their life can change and how fast they can manifest anything they want with the laws of attraction.

Everything – solid matter, energy – is this unexplainable side effect of physical matter. Everything is physical in nature in the universe. True? NO!

So you and I are conditioned to think of our world linearly from a to B to c to d, Albert Einstein. In fact, he said that logic will take you from a to b, but imagination will take you anywhere. So we generally think of a to be a. I make this much money. I could probably realistically get here, you know, I haven’t attracted a great romance in my life, so it’s probably not going to happen. It’s been five years and I just can’t. I think there’s no good guys left. You know I’m always going to be alone. That’s right. It’s you being rational based off of reality, a to B to c, but if you want to use the quantum laws of the universe, quantum is Quanta’s at the subatomic level is little packets of energy is the quantum of physics is studying the, the unexplainable, the seemingly unexplainable nature of our reality from an energy perspective as opposed to the natural and perspective.

What we’re looking at, everything like solid matter energy is this unexplainable side effect of physical matter. Everything is physical in nature in the universe we’re finding none of that is actually true. When you look under powerful enough microscopes, what you find is the Adam, the seemingly solid particle that make up all of our physical world is actually not very solid at all. In fact, about 95 percent of it is nonphysical is empty space is energy. Quantum jump in quantum leaps in your life is about leaks that are so big. They don’t make any sense from the way that our mind is conditioned to say it. I’ll give you an example. My Youtube Channel here has got about 310,000 people, maybe 20 million views in 18 months ago. It was getting about, you know, maybe like 100 new subscribers and in a matter of one month and went from there to 40,000 subscribers and like five, 6 million views in one month and it never looked back from there.

That’s a quantum jump. Like I was just looking at a youtube channel that he used to always watch it, love the guy and I used to think, oh my gosh, if I had as many opportunities to inspire and reach people with my message is him. I’d be like, it would be like the greatest thing ever. You know, I’ve taught millions of people listening and then him being able to inspire them with, with, with his health journey. And I just loved this guy so I randomly stumbled on his youtube, hadn’t seen it in. I don’t know, at least a year or two, and it was amazing to see that the number of subscribers on this channel was only a couple thousand dollars from his and I was like, wow, my youtube took off so fast. Quantum jumping can happen for you in any area of your life. For me, it was the youtube channel.

It can happen with your income. It can happen with you for the last 10 years, not attracting the right romance in your life, and it happens more on our 14 in the produce section of vons or cvs or whole foods or Ralph’s or Albertson’s or your local liquor store. Any of that happens out of nowhere. Why? Because everything you want already exist in the quantum field. What’s the quantum field? Quanta little packets of energy. So the quantum field is the energy field that we’re all living within. So in this energy field, all the possibilities that you want, all the future outcomes that you want, they already exists as pure potential in the energy dementia. Now you can make them appear and become reality in the physical dimension. That’s what we call a miracle in the health world. It’s called a spontaneous, you know, a remission, and so you know in the financial world it’s called, Oh my God, I cannot believe how fast things have grown, right?


Shocking Yet Powerful Secret Quantum Laws Of The Universe For Manifesting ANYTHING You Want ✅
Shocking Yet Powerful Secret Quantum Laws Of The Universe For Manifesting ANYTHING You Want ✅

Everything - solid matter, energy - is this unexplainable side effect of physical matter. Everything is physical in nature in the universe. True? NO!

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