The law of attraction cannot work when you are chasing it with positive thinking. A lot of the times, people are not using the law of attraction properly. They are thinking about how they do not have what they want, so they force positive thinking, by trying to thinking about what they want more often. Trying so hard to get what you want, is actually lack of abundance. it is a negative and fearful vibration. The law of attraction responds to frequencies and vibrations, so it simply responds to the emotions and consciousness behind your beliefs. So you must realize that you are the only one that can make you happy. When you know this, you lose all doubt and fear. You also realize that you are infinite. If you know your true self, manifesting what you want becomes easy.
STOP Chasing The Law of Attraction With Positive Thinking… (INSTEAD DO THIS!!)
#lawofattraction #positivethinking #spiritualawakening
Okay. Here’s the thing that really sucks. If I can use a technical and very advanced word, here’s the thing that really sucks. Positive thinking doesn’t work. If you are doing what just about everybody else is doing unconsciously, see positive thinking, becoming popular, right? People have got their TJ max signs above their toilet and you go into the bathroom and it says, think for the star senior, like, yeah, I’m inspired right now, bro. This is great. And then other people are like, think about it and you’re gonna dream about it. Nate’s going to come about it in your life. And it’s all these cute sayings, right? But the truth is I’ve been studying this for the last 10 years. Positive thinking, doesn’t work. If you do this thing almost everybody’s doing like, it’s probably like 99 percent of people. Even the people that think they’re doing positive thinking, right? And if you learn how to do this, it makes everything easy. You can make more money easier. You can attract a specific person, romance, love relationships, new opportunities, jobs, a lot easier. So here’s exactly what to do and why positive thinking isn’t working. So make sure you hit the like button right over there and right over there, let’s dive right into this video.
Okay? Look, everybody talks about being positive. Everybody talks about how good it is and all these types of things. But the problem is that the whole goal of positive thinking is to start to change your subconscious thinking sub means below. So this is your below conscious thinking psychologist say 95 percent of your life is controlled by your subconscious. So 95 percent of every thought that you have and psychologists that you have 65,000 thoughts in a day seems crazy. And you’re like moving away. I’m 65,000. Well, it’s just that 95 percent of them are subconscious. They’re below conscious. They’re below the awareness of the conscious mind. So you don’t even know that they’re happening and they’re affecting your life. They’re affecting your mood. Your emotions are affecting your habits and behaviors. They’re affecting your money, all of these things. And we don’t know that they’re actually happening. So the whole point of positive thinking is to start to change subconscious programs.
That’s the whole point of it. 5 percent of your life is conscious that 5 percent, the things that you hold regularly in that 5 percent, those transfer to the subconscious. So the point of positive thinking is to send new ideas in essence, to update the software on your supercomputer. You know, you want your computer to perform better. You update the software and delete the viruses. Positive thinking is the leading the viruses that have been programmed in use in childhood that tell true love. Doesn’t exist. Love is pain. It’s hard to make money. You can’t make money. Love you. You aren’t smart enough. All that crap is just to do it, but everybody is doing positive thinking wrong. And that’s because your subconscious isn’t being programmed correctly. And so now I’m going to share with you three little ways that you can start to do that. Number one, at the core, it’s all about feeling.
So the subconscious doesn’t speak a language. It doesn’t speak English, doesn’t speak Spanish and it doesn’t speak Portuguese. The subconscious speaks emotions. It’s your emotional mind? The programming in your life today as an adult is the result of the emotional life you have as a child, not the words you heard, but the emotional life you had at the child was there stress around money.
STOP Chasing The Law of Attraction With Positive Thinking… (INSTEAD DO THIS!!)