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The apocalypse prophecy is having crazy developments!! (Hidden Bible Teachings!)
Three shocking hidden bible teachings that explain the apocalypse, the end days, the last times and trying to make sense of what’s happening right now in the world.
in this video three shocking hidden
bible teachings that explain the
apocalypse the end days the last times
and trying to make sense of what’s
happening right now in the world this is
just my opinions so i hope you enjoy
this video let me know in the comments
if you do thanks for watching if you do
make sure you hit the bell notification
on the side to send it out in the
youtube universe and i’ll see you on the
other side
ephesians 6 12
for our struggle is not against the
flesh and blood but against the rulers
but against the authorities but against
the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil
what’s happening right now is literally
a battle of good over evil
there’s really no other way to explain
it especially within the parameters of
this and so let’s just read this one
again and
what i want you to consider is that
you’re not alone in the way that you
feel even though the news the algorithms
everything’s designed to make you feel
like you’re alone so let’s read this one
for our struggle is not against the
flesh and blood
it’s not against you and me that’s not
who it’s against you and i are on the
same team we’re all connected to god
we’re we’re all on the same team
so against the rulers
against the authorities against the
powers of this dark world and against
the spiritual forces of evil always
remember god always wins good always
wins god and love are synonymous god
always wins
and this really is a battle of good over
all right this next one is matthew 24
7 8 says for nation will rise against
nation and kingdom against kingdom and
there will be famines and earthquakes in
various places all these are but the
beginning of the birth pains
and the reason that i like that one is
the last couple words that says the
beginning of the birth panes
when i try to make sense of what’s
happening in the world the the best
answer that comes to me when i ask
is that
this is occurring to actually wake
people up and break people out of
you know a multi-generational
really thousands of years you know human
history cycle of the few trying to
control the many
and we’re kind of at the at the
precipitate and i think that what’s
important to makes me ask is go
all right
does god
need me or want me to learn from this
right now
and for me everyone’s going to be
different i have to tell you mine’s
changed a lot since i had a since i had
a baby daughter and she’s now about 16
17 months old and it’s really made me
think about uh
all of my energy that i have on a
24-hour basis
and how we’re habitually programmed to
live an inspired life the word inspired
is in spirit that’s what the word means
inspired when i’m inspired when i’m in
spirit and we’re habitually programmed
to not live in spirit and then once i
had my daughter and i was like what on
earth is happening in the world right
now like this is getting quite wild and
now i have a daughter and at first it
kind of stressed me out and then i was
able to to
take a breath
and i realized i had 24 hours in a day i
could only control what i could control
and i started investing all of my energy
into being as creative and productive
and offering as many solutions to myself
to my family uh as possible
and my life really started to change in
the last six months because of that i’ve
attracted just these incredible new
opportunities and i’ve just really
devoted myself to being incredibly
productive and
as creative as possible and asking god
to move through me in my businesses and
in my work and in my productivity and
the things that i’m attracting into my
life and it showed me a lot that
all of the challenges god isn’t trying
to break us god is trying to shape us
and so the question is
uh who are you and who are you willing
to become and i think that’s what the
birth pains that are happening in the
world right now are going to happen for
a lot of us and i feel like it’s almost
like cosmically cosmically happening
because what’s the purpose of all of
this it’s self-realization it’s it’s
surrendering in in connection to god uh
and breaking out of this illusion
all right so now this next one says uh
it’s from 1 timothy 4 1. now the spirit
espressly says that in later times some
will depart from the faith by devoting
themselves to deceitful spirits and
teachings of demons
and plugging themselves up into
zuckerberg’s metaverse
and what i want to say is that you have
we have to also look at what we think of
certain um religious or spiritual
institutions or churches
that may be
following the mainstream
narrative of the mark and
ultimately as we’re all looking to make
sense of what’s happening in the world
right now all of us are looking to make
sense of what’s happening in the world
the ultimate thing that i feel like i
take out of this now the spirit
expressly says that in later times so
what is this a warning of as we’re
trying to make sense of the world
any spiritual path any religion any
want to become the doorway that allows
you to connect to god or spirit
like they’re the messenger
where you have to move this way
there what they’re actually doing is
cutting us off it’s like that old
analogy everyone must become a priest
or a priestess
everyone must
don’t even take my opinions and in the
ways that i am elaborating on what this
means to me
go within yourself and say uh
and surrender and surrender your mind be
transformed by the renewing of your mind
by saying god
uh i’m trying to make sense of
everything that’s happening in the world
right now thank you for blessing me with
the courage with the creative solutions
with the financial means with the
constant growth inspiration productivity
that great things are multiplying in my
life every day i’m controlling the
things that i can control that are
happening in the world right now and
thank you
when we start to do this magical things
happen the whole point though is the
kingdom of heaven is within and it’s not
in a
spiritual authority
that wants to be
the uh
way shower for us to connect to spirit
which is already within ourselves
because the kingdom of heaven is already
and i feel like that shattering
of systems and institutions in all forms
is is kind of a part of this whole
statement we’re seeing people stop
trusting things outside of themselves
and starting to go within themselves
more and i feel like that goes back to
the previous one on
all of these are but the beginning of
birth pains that there’s going to be
nation against nation kingdom against
kingdom and famines and earthquakes in
various places which makes you think
that you know the the uh that god itself
is the the suppressed subconscious
energy of humanity is creating these
all of these are but the beginning of
birth pains though that all of this is
happening for us to go within ourself
and realize one simple thing is that the
kingdom of heaven is within
all right so
nice to meet you my name is jake thanks
for watching this video i know there’s a
million other videos on youtube at every
single second you could be watching and
so i appreciate you watching this whole
video through i hope you enjoyed it let
me know in the comments right there down
below and where in the world you’re
coming from i’m in the beautiful
southwest of the united states i thank
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