If you want to manifest what you want in 24 hours it’s as simple as doing it in three easy steps. I’m going to share with you those three easy steps. I’m also going to tell you a little bit about what Einstein would have to say about this. He said that time doesn’t really exist. So if time doesn’t really exist, then that must mean what you want in the future, Already exists now as a possibility in the invisible quantum field. So if you know how to harness the power of your own consciousness, you can actually attract miracles into your life in a relatively fast period of time. Let’s dive in.
In the Bible it says “first was the word”. So if everything is a part of this universal order, then that must mean in order for something to come into your life, It must first come from the word. So you must say so before it becomes so. Think about it. If you want something to come into your life, but you don’t even believe it enough to say it, to speak it, well how are you going to muster the necessary energy to convince your subconscious that you already have it?
You wouldn’t be able to do it. You wouldn’t be able to manifest what you want in 24 hours if you can’t. One of the most awkward things about people is to pick their large goal. They don’t really know how to achieve. It’s greater than the paradigm that they currently have within their mind. So they don’t know whether it’s even possible. They don’t know whether it’s too unrealistic.
Their big goal is outside of their current level of subconscious conditioning. And it becomes awkward to express that goal out loud because it’s fighting against your own paradigm that’s telling you it’s not possible. One of the quickest ways to break this pattern and to set a new normal in your subconscious mind is by speaking it out loud. Speak wealth upon your life. Speak money upon your life. Speak success upon your life. Speak love upon your life. Speak positive relationships and great romance and dating upon your life. Speak your early retirement upon your life. Speak health upon your life, speak your dreams upon your life.
And it seems like such a simple concept, but nobody does it. That’s why in order to manifest the things you want into your life quickly and easily, what you must do is write it on the piece of paper and read it out loud until you have it memorized and then speak it out loud in the morning in the mirror and in the night in the mirror. And what will happen is eventually your subconscious is going to think that it’s real and it’s going to come into your life very quickly. Say so before it comes so.
Step number two to manifest what you want in 24 hours is to mentally rehearse what it would feel like if the end result happened. So let’s say that you did get the viral video. Let’s say that you did meet your soulmate. Let’s say that you did get the promotion or the perfect job. Let’s say that you did sell your house in 24 hours. Let’s say that you did get the unexpected money to pay the bills that were coming due. Let’s say that you did pay your house off in full. Let’s say that you did retire early. Let’s say that you did move to where you want to move and go where you want to go and have the things that you want in life and meet the new people. Let’s just say it all happened.
How would it feel? Just for the sake of playing games. What you must do is mentally rehearse the feeling of the end result occurring in your life. You will know whether or not you’ve done this successfully because when you get up from the meditation, when you get up from mentally rehearsing, when you get up from visualizing, you have officially summoned your potential reality from the quantum field. You know that you are about to be blessed with some good fortune.
The third and final step to manifest what you want in 24 hours is to match and sustain the frequency of what you want and you cannot help but get it. Supposedly Albert Einstein said that. Energy, vibration, and frequency. What happens to many people is they speak what they want into existence. They work for what they want. They mentally rehearse what they want, but then when they go back into their everyday life and something doesn’t happen the way that they want, they allow their outside environment to control their thinking and to control their emotions. And what are your emotions?
They’re your energy and motion. So if you have to match and sustain the frequency of what you want to pull it from the quantum field and create it here in third dimension, then what has to occur is you have to create your own energy as opposed to your energy being controlled by the outside environment. And that’s why Wayne Dyer said, change your energy, change your life. Because if your energy matches and sustains the frequency of the vibration of what you want, it will manifest in your life. But what occurs to most people is they do not realize there is a difference between what you want and the absence of what you want. What you want is really two things. It’s what you want and the absence of what you want.
So people will know that they want money. They’ll know they want the job. They know that they want the soulmate, but what happens is they get all excited. They get all hyped up and then a day later, it doesn’t happen as quickly as they want. And then they see the lack of evidence in their life that a miracle is unfolding, and then their mood gets controlled by the outside environment. They’re thinking at the level of their environment. And if you’re thinking at the level of your environment, your vibration will always be controlled by your present life circumstances.
Match and sustain the frequency of what you want and you cannot help but get it. So in conclusion, here’s a few quick questions of self reflection that you can ask yourself. Number one, do I know what it is that I’m wanting? Number two. Is my feeling and my conscious desire matched? A lot of people know what it is that they want intellectually, but on a feeling level, on a frequency or vibration level, they’re in the exact opposite of what it is that they want. So do I feel is my energy on the same level as my conscious desire? The third question. Is my thinking being controlled by my environment? Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack. Thanks for reading manifest whatever you want in 24 hours.