A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here's how to avoid this.
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#LawofAttraction #LawofVibration #TheSecretMovie
In this video we talk about the law of vibration. The law of vibration is the primary universal law behind the law of attraction. Because of the hit movie “The Secret Movie”, a lot of people heard about the law of attraction, but they do not know much about the law of vibration.
The Law of Vibration is the real secret, and it says that everything is energy in motion. When you understand that everything has a vibratory frequency, then it makes the law of attraction a lot easier to use and to understand.
Very often people do the law of attraction techniques, but just because you are trying to manifest what you want, doesn’t mean that you have changed your vibration or your frequency. If you do all the techniques and watch all the law of attraction and manifestation videos on youtube, but you do not change your vibrational frequency, then you will not be able to use the law of attraction properly.
The law of vibration is such a big concept, because without properly understanding it, it’s very easy to try to manifest what you want with The Secret, but you do not get results. When you do not get the results that you want, you can say ‘hey, the law of attraction doesn’t work.”
But what they really need is to understand how frequency and vibrational patterns of energy work in the universe. Once you understand that you, you see that your thoughts, emotions, and frequencies have a direct affect on the universe around you. This is when the law of attraction gets empowering and exciting.
The LAW of VIBRATION and What NOBODY Tells You. MUST WATCH!!! – (Law of Attraction | The Secret)