The ONE Manifestation Technique For Attracting WHATEVER You Want
#Manifestation #ManifestationTechnique #LawofAttraction
When people are trying to attract the things that they want to know. I think, okay, I want this thing. I want money, I want a relationship, I want this job, I want this life. And there’s this thing out there that they want, right? And they think about it in terms of a linear time and space, kind of a to B to C to D. I’m at point a and what I want is at point D. So I go to go to B to C to D and they think of it like, okay, I want more money.
I want my soulmate, I want this job. And what happens is they immediately get into a linear mindset where they try to figure everything out, how I’m going to get it, and then they get into this like grit mode. I need to accomplish it and here are my limitations. And they immediately push their consciousness into 1 percent of reality. Buckminster fuller said, you only see 1 percent of who you are, 99 percent of who you are. You cannot see smell, taste, touch. So we immediately put ourselves down into this third dimension and we go, how do I get this thing? And the ironic thing is that you’re already one with everything in the universe because there’s only one mind in the universe. There is one universal mind. There is one universal substance. You can call it energy consciousness. You can call it spirit, you can call it energy vibration.
I want my soulmate, I want this job. And what happens is they immediately get into a linear mindset where they try to figure everything out, how I’m going to get it, and then they get into this like grit mode. I need to accomplish it and here are my limitations. And they immediately push their consciousness into 1 percent of reality. Buckminster fuller said, you only see 1 percent of who you are, 99 percent of who you are. You cannot see smell, taste, touch. So we immediately put ourselves down into this third dimension and we go, how do I get this thing? And the ironic thing is that you’re already one with everything in the universe because there’s only one mind in the universe. There is one universal mind. There is one universal substance. You can call it energy consciousness. You can call it spirit, you can call it energy vibration.
You can call it God. Doesn’t matter what you call it. Alan Watts says you cannot get wet by the word water. So there’s one originating substance of which we’re all a part of. It’s in every single cell of my body. It’s in every single cell of your body. And it’s in every single subatomic particle that makes up everything that you want. Money, house, car, boyfriend, girlfriend, life. It’s all of one originating substance. It’s just different frequencies of consciousness. It’s different frequencies of information. These light, all this reality is, is a bunch of light photons moving essentially at the speed of light and it’s vibrating at such a dense level that our physical senses pick it up as solid. Um, but it’s not solid. It’s just a little fragment of a potential energy called visible light. And if we could see from a greater point, if we could see beyond just this limited veil of third dimension or this limited veil of space and time, this limited veil of visible light we would see is there’s really no line of demarcation.
There’s really no stopping point between where I start and end and where you start then and where I start and end and where this chair starts in EDS, I’m just a field of information. I’m just a, I’m just a vibrational pattern and I’m just vibrating at a different frequency than this chair is. But it’s all one originating substance at different frequencies. Just like there’s only one thing called sound, but there’s a bunch of different waves of the frequency on your radio station. 88.9 90.1 it’s just a bunch of different frequencies, a bunch of different bandwidths or channels and that’s what reality really is. There’s a bunch of different frequencies within third dimension that we experience here. But if you could see from a higher vantage point, what you would see is you’re actually one with not only everything that you want, not only with every body, but you’re also one with the universe, with God, with spirit, with a consciousness.