The Secret Movie | Law of Attraction Secrets They Didn’t Tell You
In this video I talk about The Secret Movie and The Secret Law of Attraction – what the secret movie on the law of attraction did not discuss regarding the law of attraction and how to simplify the law of attraction and the secret movie.
Once you learn how to simplify the law of attraction while understand the real law of attraction secrets behind it, then you can manifest what you want.
People always wonder about The Secret Law of Attraction and The Secret Movie Full, how to use the secret?
The answer is that you use the secret film when you are able to understand more about the consciousness of the law of attraction.
** Transcript…
Does secret law of attraction, what they don’t tell you about manifesting your desires? They made a fantastic film. It’s called the secret movie, but they miss some very important pieces and just about everyone talking about the law of attraction makes it so complex. It becomes actually harder to manifest what you want. In this video, I’m going to break it down for you so that the things that you want start to speed up like that and come into your life faster.
The secret law of attraction and there’s so many videos, are so much talking about it and a lot of times it just makes it more complex in the most basic form. What it’s telling you is that everything is energy. Everything is energy. In fact, an Adam and eve, oh, M and Adam, that build the physical building block of the entire universe is 95 to 99 percent empty space. It’s nonphysical intelligence. It’s just divine intelligence. That’s all. Everything really is, and it’s vibrating at a certain frequency that makes it appear to your sensory objects, your eyes like it’s a solid object. Everything is energy and your thoughts are energy to you em, an entire energy field controlled by your own consciousness, by your own mindset, by your own subconscious programming and whatever your energy field is vibrating in harmony with dictates the things that you attract into your life that determines your bank account.
The Secret Movie And The Secret Law of Attraction It determines the people you attract into your life, the circumstances, the situations, and the ultimate result of your life, and it’s this simple. Everything is two things. What you want or the absence of what you want. People know what they want. People say, I want more money, I want love, but then they’re focused on the absence, absence of it. All they talk about is the fact that their relationship. I haven’t worked out yet. There’s no good guys left. I’m about to give up. I really want it to work out, but I just can’t seem to find. All they talk about is the fact that it stopped working. What consciousness is that? It’s a consciousness of not having during a consciousness of not having. Same thing with money. Somebody says, I really want it, but I mean, ah, this is so difficult now. Not a lot there in a consciousness of not having the secret law of attraction is summed up in a very simple phrase from the Bible and it says to those that have more will be given.
The Law of Attraction says: When you’re in the consciousness of having what you want, you will get it to those that do not have. When you’re in the consciousness of not having what you want, even that which they have will be taken away because when you’re in a consciousness of lack, you will attract more energy that matches that experience because every single thing is energy, so at every moment, every day, every week, every year, the results of the things that happen around you in the you would attract into your life are a product of your own consciousness. That’s what the secret is saying. In the simplest form possible is that your consciousness. What are thoughts? Thoughts are energy. They’re energy that are at a frequency that you cannot see, but you can see the affects of thoughts. You can see the culmination of your thoughts over the course of the year, control your bank account, but you can’t see thoughts, but you can see the effects of them.
This is how the law of attraction works and what the secret movie didn’t tell you.. because it was too hard for most people to understand.