The Truth About Subliminal Audios And The Law Of Attraction (How To REALLY Use Them) | The Secret
The truth is that subliminal messages, subliminal audios, and subliminal CAN work with the law of attraction. For most people, this is not the case though.
And the truth is I’ve used the process that the human brain can accept subliminal from. I’ve. I’ve taken it to the extreme, but I’ve used it in order to go from a college dropout with an idea to inspire millions of people a week on youtube to literally making that a tangible reality. And in the last 18 months is channels kits in numerous millions of views a month and published three books at Penguin Random House, which is the world’s largest English publisher on. On these types of manifesting the life that you want to process the entire world than in my own thought process told me none of this would ever happen and it has, and I’ve used these processes of the brain to do so.
Now I subliminal are essentially either very, very, very in the instance that is usually used in regards to the law of attraction and reprogramming the subconscious. It’s very quiet audio. A lot of time. It actually is things you can consciously here now, the, the, the senses in the brain can pick up well below the, um, the amount of sound that you can consciously here. So you now you blow a dog whistle and you can’t hear a dog whistle, but you know that it works because the dog comes when you do it. It’s just outside of what your ears can pick up. Now your brain picks up sound that’s below what you can consciously here. And so you can suggest things below the conscious mind. Now, the reason that this is valuable is that if you can bypass the conscious, you can go directly to the subconscious.
Psychologists say, 95 percent of our life is subconscious. We have 65,000 thoughts in a day and approximately 95 per cent of them are subconscious. So the money you’re attracting into your life, your job, your love life, all of it is pretty much governed by belief system subconsciously and subconscious habits and patterns in the ways that we view reality and react to it on a subconscious level and if you can rewire that, you can change your life. That’s where subliminal come into play. But here’s the very, very, very, very, very important thing. Now, the way that this is really working on a neuroscientific level is a term called [inaudible] law that says that brain cells that fire together wire together. So when you start to get in more emotionally involved in a new idea or have a new thought process and whatnot, you actually fired new nerve and brain cells and as time goes on, if you think the same way and get emotionally involved in the same ideas, whether it be your dream, I’m so grateful now that you have some affirmation like that where it’s a subconscious, subliminal program that’s entering as time moves on, it starts to actually build neural connections, brain synapses that wire together and then eventually it becomes a hard wire in your subconscious, in your brain, literally in your brain that starts to operate on its own without you having to consciously do it in the same way that once you got used to driving, you didn’t have to like freak out like you did the first time you drove.
You know? Right. Can Use being first when you start. It’s hard to like go between gas and brake with one foot. But it’s become such an easy process once you’re used to driving. Well the same is so with the belief systems that you want. Eventually they hit the subconscious. But the very important thing to know is that you need to really take serious the idea and the the actual science behind it of rewiring the brain. And that’s why I created. You probably heard me talk about my program. The second mind, it’s a software we created. I call the first mine. You’re limited mindness, programmed by society. Your second mind is the one you’ve created that’s consciously in alignment with your dreams and what you want in life. And so that’s why I created the software to literally do that rewiring process of you, because it’s deeper than just being subliminals.
The Truth About Subliminal Audios And The Law Of Attraction (How To REALLY Use Them) | The Secret