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IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME | The ultimate guide for getting rich in 2022
In this video, I break down the ultimate guide to getting rich in 2022. I share this from my own personal experience as a few of the many important things that changed my life.
1. Allow yourself to ‘taste it.’ We did this by making a ‘splurge’ account where we took 5 percent of our income, saved it, and then ‘blew it’ on small things that made us feel rich. DO NOT use debt for this.
2. Hypnotize yourself – everybody is hypnotized! it’s just matter if you’re hypnotized for prosperity or poverty.
3. Raise your income ceiling – you have to add leverage to your income earning models, because even if you work hard you aren’t guaranteed to make more money.
4. Bless What you Want – instead of getting jealous at other people’s success, try to see it as a ‘sign’ of prosperity coming your way.
5. Find a mentor – see if you can find a mentor that is more successful than you that you can spend 15 minutes a month with. If you cannot, then just focus on books/videos and finding someone you can follow closely to learn.
6. Save more than you think you can – instead of shrinking your savings to match your income, bring your focus to challenging yourself to increase your income.
7. Be consistent – as Tony Robbins says, “most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year, and they underestimate what they can accomplish in 10 years.”
? FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS – click here to download my free success hypnosis https://www.jakeducey.com/hypnosis