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This could be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT stories that is being largely ignored by media (WARNING)

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This could be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT stories that is being largely ignored by media (WARNING)

We believed that we lived in a physical universe and we thought that particles were the building blocks, atoms were these building blocks of the whole universe.


okay not to sound like a alarmist or a
click-bait headlines or something but
this could be the
largest and most important story that is
being ignored and has been ignored for a
very long time with the media so my name
is jake Ducey
if you enjoyed today’s episode make sure
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button on this and right there down
below is my free success hypnosis it’s my free success
hypnosis to reprogram your mind i always
say brainwash yourself before the world
brainwashes you and believe me you’re
either being brainwashed by yourself or
by the world so be sure to check it out
right there down
below and let’s dive right into this
okay so the reason i say that this might
be the most important thing that is
ignored by the media is because it
changes literally the entire world we’ve
always believed in the newtonian model
of physics which was just basically
this uh
complex way of saying that we believed
that we lived in a physical universe and
we thought that particles were the
building blocks atoms were these
building blocks of the whole universe
and we thought energy was this kind of
unexplainable side phenomena of physical
matter of the physical world and then
they kind of chalked up the study of
matter to science and then the study of
energies to and spirit to religion
but the entire idea is fundamentally
wrong because quantum physics has shown
us now that
there’s things even smaller there’s
subatomic particles but when you get to
the most basic level all it is is
99.99999 empty space an atom 99 empty
space and then they found out that these
subatomic particles would sometimes
appear and sometimes they would
disappear and then when they would shoot
these light particles sometimes they
would go in one direction and the other
and they realized how they actually
manifested how these particles
manifested in reality in third
dimensional reality
it depends sometimes it’s a wave
sometimes it’s an energy that moves into
another dimension essentially and
sometimes it’s a particle so they found
out that consciousness literally creates
and affects reality down to the
subatomic level and the reason that this
is so important is because it shows us
that instead of just being these little
meat suits running around that are
victims to our environment and our world
that we’re actually much more creators
or co-creators together in our reality
and the reason that i think this is
ignored is because all of a sudden you
don’t need all of these control systems
of the world once you realize like holy
cow i actually create my reality
and then kind of the whole game the
whole control system of the game just
basically falls apart
and you know i remember being a freshman
in college and then i got was really
upset with like the government and all
these things but then i stumbled across
like old declassified documents about
the power of consciousness and it just
fascinated me because you find out that
basically you create your reality
literally but the whole system runs off
people believing they can’t make any
money people believing they’re not that
smart people believing they’re bound to
their circumstances people believing
they’re bound to their past people
giving up all of their power and free
will to politicians and institutions and
big huge mega churches and whatever it
is giving our power to outside
authorities and then that’s how this
whole world just continues to perpetuate
itself but what happens if you and i
realize that we create reality
what happens in instead of just
believing it we actually test that in
our own lives instead of you just saying
like yeah here’s this guy jake and like
yeah i’m not sure whether i believe him
or not he might be like he might be
lying instead just do a thought
for the next 30 days set a thought
experiment to create or attract an omen
or a synchronicity into your life that
has to do with something that you want
to create in life it might have to do
with finances might have to do with
sales it might have to do with your a
new job or career it might have to do
with meeting new people new resources
new ideas romance it might have to
do with
new adventures
the list is endless but set an omen for
the next 30 days to receive a sign or 60
days to receive a sign from the universe
you start to realize the power of
intention is a physical force in the
universe your thoughts are literally a
force of energy but they’re vibrating at
a frequency that’s beyond the spectrum
of visible light that you can see so you
really look more like a field of energy
that’s shooting off frequencies just
like a radio broadcasting tower is
emitting frequencies but your
frequencies are your are your thoughts
and your thoughts are a force they’re a
cosmic force bob proctor says that
thought waves are cosmic waves that
penetrate all time in space because if
energy is never created or destroyed
that means all possibilities are
happening in different dimensions
simultaneously go back to the observer
effect and subatomic particles sometimes
the particles would be in this dimension
and sometimes they would be gone they
would be a wave and a wave of energy
they would disappear into another
dimension well because energy is never
created or destroyed there’s a field the
divine mind a quantum field that holds
all energy and all possibilities
and we can access that field literally
at any single time because energy is
never created or destroyed it’s always
available to us and that’s the key
that’s the secret that basically keeps
99 percent of us living the wrath the
rat race our entire life
so you go well
let me do a thought experiment
let me see what i’m really capable of
because right the world’s getting
crazier every single day it’s getting
more interesting every single day do a
thought experiment and direct your
energy towards what you can control your
financial life your health your
happiness your relationships your sense
of fulfillment and purpose in life these
are the things you can control
so then you ask yourself
am i creating my reality or is my
reality being controlled by my outside
environment but what most people do is
they believe due to the way society is
constructed that the reason they don’t
have what they want is something out
there’s fault it’s a certain group of
people it’s the way the system is set up
they’ve been taught to believe that
the that they are just in a newtonian
model of physics they’re just a little
physical body and they’re being and the
world has victimized them in some way
but as soon as you do that you give up
the power
of creation you move from creating your
reality to being controlled by your
reality but when we take a step back and
we connect to our higher faculties and
we go i create my reality i create it
and and and then you go well i didn’t
create myself to be a debt slave
well the reality is we’ve either created
promoted or allowed every single thing
in our entire life and one of the ways
that we did that is we still have free
will and i think what most people do
when they come across this information
or maybe somebody even says it’s a
conspiracy or whatever but what happens
is people get angry about it and they go
those one percent the controlling
engineers the banks man yeah i don’t
like them and they like get all fired up
about it but what
i found
that i’ve been there before
and i realized
ultimately i was a part i was a
participant in it unconsciously i was
surrendering my free will i was
surrendering my free will and the story
of my financial life by what was in my
bank account i was surrendering my
future of possibilities that i imagined
based off of my report cards or other
people told me i was smart or other
people told me i wasn’t smart or or my
or my degrees or lack thereof the
outside world had officially controlled
me and that’s what they don’t want you
to know they don’t want you to know they
don’t want you to go to google and type
in quantum physics they don’t want you
to go on google that’s why you should
use duckduckgo anyways for that but they
they want you they don’t want you to go
online and type in neuroplasticity
we haven’t even gotten in
neuroplasticity this video could be nine
hours long
so if you’re still watching this video
make sure you hit the like button give
me a comment down below let me know if
you’re still enjoying it so far and
you’re still with me i know it’s a long
video i appreciate you watching this
video so far all the way through because
i know there’s 10 million other videos
out there on the internet but what i was
saying was duck duck go they don’t want
you to type in neuroplasticity
neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability
to change itself so all these
neurological things we’ve memorized and
then we’ve thought of as our reality and
they’re wired into our brain
that control your personality
your your
disposition your finances your emotional
state your relationships your happiness
all of these things
neuroplasticity means that the brain is
plastic it’s changeable it’s malleable
we can actually reshape not only our
brains but in crazy examples that
neuroscientists are writing books about
like in the brain that changes itself
book in the brain that changes itself
there’s all just it starts right away in
the first 20 pages you read all these
stories you couldn’t believe about
people using neuroplasticity to make
other functions of their brain that they
weren’t born with be performed by other
parts of their brain all of these crazy
things people like regaining sight and
all of these types of things by
activating cells and other parts of
their brain
neuroplasticity shows us we control not
only our outside reality but we control
our down to our cells our entire reality
is controlled by neuroplasticity
so i titled this video this could be one
of the most important stories that’s
largely ignored but it’s not just
ignored by the media it’s not just
ignored by the education system it’s
it’s ignored by like every single major
institutional gatekeeping system of our
society yet we’ve known this stuff
that when you create reality well why
why first of all let’s answer why we
aren’t taught this well think about it
who runs all the advertisements that go
out on the news in the media it’s all
the companies that want to keep you from
knowing this type of stuff so you stay
so we stay within the debt based
monetary system
that controls education system
that’s what that’s what gets the grants
in science
here’s a quote speaking of science by
max plank max planck won the nobel prize
he is considered the the father
of quantum physics he said quote as a
man who has devoted his whole life to
the most clear-headed science
to the study
of matter
i can tell you as a result of my
research about the atoms
this much
there is no matter as such all matter
originates and exists only by virtue of
a force
which brings the particles of an atom to
vibration and holds this most minute
solar system of the atom together
we must assume
behind this force
the existence of a conscious and
intelligent mind
this mind is the matrix of all matter
so that quote was from 1913.
1913 that’s how long we’ve known this
stuff that’s how long
they’ve known this stuff that there’s no
matter as such meaning
touch something right now wherever you
are whether it’s your touch your face
or touch your leg or touch the chair
you’re sitting on i’ll touch this wood
right here
you could touch a cup your phone a
that thing looks real looks like matter
it looks physical
max plank says there’s no matter as such
that uh it’s all all it is is just
energy moving at us
at a
speed of vibration that makes it appear
to be solid that’s called the speed of
visible light and that’s what holds the
third dimensional reality together so
then the question is
if all of reality is controlled from
then the question is
what limiting beliefs have you inherited
from society
that have
your life circumstances
that now that you realize
how reality works
you are ready and willing to let go of
i’ll give you an example from my own
life i dropped out of college i learned
all this stuff i backpacked around the
world then i wrote this book about it no
one would publish this book so i sold
the book out of the trunk of my car and
then i sold 20 000 copies then i got a
deal with penguin random house the
number one english publishing company in
the world and it was this big cool fun
i wasn’t where i wanted to be
and one of my mentors he finally said
why do you always tell me how old you
because i still wrote my first book when
i was 19 so i’d always try to i’m i’m 19
i’m 21 and i’d always try to make that
pitch like that to the publisher and he
said you’re so attached to uh the suit
that your that your soul is is housed in
you you believe this idea that you’re
and that’s why you’re not successful
i realized that the i had been
conditioned to believe that as a
20-something year old i couldn’t make it
in the publishing world first of all
because there was also a college dropout
but second of all because i was young
and so i believed this idea
um i realized that i using my own free
will i surrendered to that idea i let
that idea control me and then it created
my reality and i lived under what i call
an invisible ceiling and an invisible
ceiling is a
is a limit on your personal reality and
your life circumstances it’s an
invisible ceiling because it’s
controlled by consciousness and it
appears to be controlled by the outside
world by reality by rational thinking
which is i’m too young so i want you to
think about what one of those are the
rationalization ration lies rationalize
we ration these lies to ourselves that
we believe i’m too young so i want you
to think of one of those invisible
ceilings for yourself and i want to go
on this journey with you where instead
of just believing what i say put it to
the test for the next 30 60 days and
start to attack one of those invisible
ceilings in your life that invisible
ceiling might have to do with how much
money you earn in a month it might have
to do with your health it might have to
do with how much you exercise it might
have to do with the quality of the
people that you attract into your life
you might have to do with romance and
dating it might have to do with jobs and
uh where you live set and set an
invisible ceiling that you’re willing to
get an omen from the universe that you
create your reality so i want to thank
you for watching this video all the way
through i just dropped my microphone i
think that’s an omen from the universe
that came instantly to let me know to
end this video so if you enjoyed it make
sure you hit the like button on this
video bell notification to get notified
for future videos even if you’re already
subscribed gotta double check have you
hit the bell notification right there
down below is my free success hypnosis
it’s my free
success hypnosis right there down below
to reprogram your thinking thanks for
watching this video all the way through
let me know if you enjoyed it and i’ll
see you next time


This could be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT stories that is being largely ignored by media (WARNING)
This could be one of THE MOST IMPORTANT stories that is being largely ignored by media (WARNING)

We believed that we lived in a physical universe and we thought that particles were the building blocks, atoms were these building blocks of the whole universe.

1 Comment

  1. Gloria
    January 29, 2022 @ 3:00 pm

    Hi Jake, so you manifested your rich life. So how did you make your money then?


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