A lot of people ask about how to attract a specific person, or how to manifest love or a boyfriend or girlfriend. They are trying to use Tinder and Dating Apps, but they do not realize that the first thing they need to do is clear up their energy. If you can follow these simple steps to clear your energy and set your intentions, you will have a lot more success using dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Match.com — This is from my own personal experience of talking to hundreds of people on emails and comments that are struggling to attract a specific person into their life. So if you want to learn how to attract a specific person and get dates, and make sure it’s the “right” person, this is what I suggest you do….
Tinder and Dating Apps Are BLOCKING you From Attracting A Specific Person (Do This Instead)
#Attractaspecificperson #tinder #dating
Here’s the crazy thing that nobody seems to notice. Tinder, Bumble, dating apps, match.com. All these dating apps. They’re actually blocking you from attracting a specific person into your life. And nobody realizes it. So the crazy thing is if you want to attract a boyfriend and girlfriend, some casual romance, or you want to attract your soulmate husband, wife, you want to attract a specific person into your life. Dating apps, Tinder, Bumble, match.com. They’re blocking you from getting what you want, which seems like it doesn’t make much sense, but I’m going to give you three quick and easy things that you need to do first. And then you’re going to get the results that you want a lot quicker and a lot faster.
The first thing that needs to happen is you have to realize that Tinder is the servant and you are the master. You have to realize match.com. Isn’t the master. You have to realize that the dating app is not the master, but what happens is people you want a boyfriend or girlfriend or husband, or wife or romance. You want to attract a specific person so badly in your life that you give away all your power to the app and hoping that the app is basically gonna save you or get you what you want. And while the app may be that bridge, that does it for you, that’s all it is. It’s a bridge, it’s a serpent. But when you do that, you give your power away to it.
You can have the cliche belief that love is pain. You could have watch your parents get divorced and while growing up, so you don’t believe true love is out there. You could have been told when you were younger and you weren’t good enough for worthy. You could have had an abusive relationship. All of those things go into your subconscious and they could affect how you perceive love or the possibility of it showing up in your life. And if you have these types of limiting belief systems, subconsciously sub means below. So it’s below conscious and you aren’t aware of it. You will actually project those things into the dating apps and the people you will meet through the dating apps will prove to you your subconscious assumptions and beliefs that you have about yourself and about love and the possibility of it. So recognize, recognize very clearly.
True love does exist. I know from experience, I didn’t use to think true love existed. My parents got divorced. I was told just like everybody else. That true love is hard to find and love is painful. And that it’s like some big hoax by hallmark to get us to buy Valentines take guess. And I believe that stuff I actually did. And I had to go within myself and make a conscious decision to change how I perceived it. I do not say that love is pain. Love is joy. My relationship is joy with Ashley. It’s not pain.
I don’t, I don’t put that emphasis on it. And when I made that switch and you know what your limiting beliefs are about love. Think about the things that you heard from the upbringing in your household. Think about the things that you’ve said or your friends say when you guys are gossiping or talking about relationships and dating, many women say that, uh, that there’s no good guys left. Many men say that there’s no good women left and you can’t get a dating app. Good enough to transcend your limiting beliefs that are programmed into it. So you project them into the dating app, but here’s the key take control of your mind. And then the dating app becomes the servant that delivers the perfect.
One thing that has to happen. If you want to get the results you want and attract a specific person, if you want the dating app to work, if you just want to attract are so many, and you don’t care, whether it’s through Tinder, match.com and other dating app Bumble, where you bump into them at aisle seven to the grocery store,
Tinder and Dating Apps Are BLOCKING you From Attracting A Specific Person (Instead Do This!)