People ask me all the time, how to make the right decision. They say, Jake, I have two decisions going on in my head and I’m feeling torn apart. So if you have two decisions going on in your head, one of them is going to be a decision that is speaking to you from love. It’s speaking to you from your heart and it’s speaking to you from intuition. There’s going to be another one. That’s going to be speaking to you from the mind. It’s going to be speaking to you from a condition fear-based pattern. It’s going to fuel rational, and it’s going to feel logical, and it’s not going to feel good in your body. The other one from intuition, the other one from the heart that is going to feel expansive. That’s going to feel enlivening and it’s going to feel unknown. It’s going to feel uncertain, perhaps exhilarating and scary at the same time.
The way that we stay within the very small box in our life is the fear of consequences. And that’s the fear of, if I do something different, something bad will happen. If I speak out something bad will happen. If I go for my dreams, I might fail. If I do this, I may go broke and I’ll go bankrupt. And I can’t pay my rent and I can’t pay my mortgage. And if I do this, then maybe I won’t ever meet my soulmate. And if of the bubble, and if I leave this relationship, that’s not that great. Maybe I’ll never find anyone better. And even though this isn’t that great, maybe I should just stay in it because I should learn to accept the reality of my life. It’s always the fear of consequences. The fear of consequences is the most deadly fear other than the fear of death in the world, because it paralyzes you, it traps you.
It controls you. So the way to tell what decision is the right decision is to learn, to be able to differentiate between the voice that talks from your head and the one that talks from your heart. The one that talks from your heart comes from feeling. It comes from an expansive state, uh, an expansive sensation that it’s coming from a deeper place. It’s the thing that I really want to do it, but I don’t know if it’ll work out and what if it’s the wrong choice? And, Oh my gosh. And I bet that’s the one.
If you want to step into the greatest version of yourself, if you want to go on your hero’s journey, that’s the voice that you have to listen to. That’s the decision that you have to follow. When I was 19 years old and I decided to drop out of college, every single person pretty much had for a couple told me it was a terrible idea. I lost every single one of my friends, except for two or three of them. Most of them thought I was crazy. My mom thought I was insane. Majority of my did, except for my dad and my brother, Victor, I lost my mind. People thought I lost my mind. They said, this is the worst decision you are throwing your life away. What do you need to do a backpack around the world? Then you’re going to write a book about it.
Do you realize nobody makes money as authors anymore? Do you realize you don’t even know how to write? You realize you’re going to be a called dropout. Who’s going to publish you on and on. And on there, wasn’t a logical reason to go on my path. There was a soulful one. There was a heartfelt one. There was an intuitive calling to something greater that I couldn’t perceive with my present awareness and my present life circumstances and who I thought I was and what I thought life was about. But I felt this deeper calling and following that voice changed my life forever. I dropped out of college, backpacked around the world. I wrote a self published book about it. Uh, there was all these voices that said, no. Publishers has said, no. Agents has said no. And voices in my own head that question myself.