Use this Visualization for 60 Seconds and Get Exactly What You Want..
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Use this 60 Second Visualization and Get EXACTLY What You Want – Visualization can be a powerful technique to get exactly what you want, especially using the Law of Attraction. The problem is that people don’t have the time, so they can’t build the habit. So I am giving you a 60 second visualization that you can easily do everyday. This 60 second visualization has a singular goal of helping you FEEL THE FEELINGS of having already accomplished your goal. This is how the law of attraction actually begins to work, so you can get what you want. The problem is that most people get hung up on the idea of visualization, and the focus too much on trying to “see it” with their imagination. Ultimately, the goal is just about FEELING like you ALREADY have attracted what you want. So I give you a quick visualization check-list in this video, so you can know if you visualizations are working effectively, not.
#visualization #60secondvisualization #lawofattraction