Warning: Your Subconscious Mind Is BLOCKING You From Manifesting Money FAST (Try This For 14 Days!)
In this video we talk about your subconscious mind and how it is blocking the law of attraction and blocking manifesting money fast. You can manifest money fast.
So this isn’t a new thing at all. For so long there’s always been a ruling class of society. And generally it was um, the uneducated in the educated, but in the world today with the Internet, we’re all educated. We’re all intellectual. But the intellectual mind doesn’t control your life. That’s why you see people that go to the most pretty prestigious schools in the world and have the best education in the world and they don’t have any money where they’re in debt. Why? It’s all about your subconscious and since your great, great, great, great, great grandparents were alive, they’ve been program negatively with respect to money and they passed it down through every generation, all the way to your parents, all the way that you inherited this when you were in the womb to today. And it goes back through all major religions, institutions, it’s all designed for us to think money is the root of evil.
I’m not good enough to get money. I’m not smart enough to get money. Oh, I need this. This banker has the answers that I need. And all of this stuff is set up so that you do not attract money in your life. Because if you attract money in your life and that person does and that person does, and that person is pretty soon the game is over for the cultural elites, pretty soon the game is over for the social class of elites that control our world and control the money supply of the world. And so I want to share with you how to reprogram your subconscious mind. But first, what is your subconscious mind according to psychologists that controls 95% of your life? So think for example, when you first learned how to drive a car. I can speak from my own example. When I first learned how to drive a car, it was in the parking lot of the high school I went to.
My mom took me, we’re driving in her Acura MDX, which was like the super original old school, Acura sebs. And it was the first time I drove and it was really nervous and I didn’t know how to do breaking gas. So I actually used my right foot and my left foot. You know, you’re supposed to use only your writing foot. That alternates between gas and brake. I use both feet cause I didn’t know the difference. I didn’t know how to do it and I so I was like, and it was so nerve wracking to do it. A couple of months later I could drive all I was talking to my friend in the passenger seat, hit the left blinker, turn to the right, look by me at the same time. What happened? What was the difference? It all went into my subconscious. You know the first times you drive, it’s all you’re using your conscious mind to try to learn how to drive.
But your subconscious controls 95% of your life and your subconscious can pick up sound that your conscious mind can’t pick up. It can see things that your conscious mind can’t pick up. It’s like you’re all powerful mind. It’s your habitual mind. So once you’ve programmed yourself to drive, you can be, you know, like my yoga teacher was just saying today, you know, one of her favorite poses, this is post like this. Cause she’s like, while I’m driving I can go back and hit grab the banana peel out of my kid’s hand. Who was trying to throw it out the window or whatever nonsense they’re doing and they’re still able to drive successfully, right? Why? Because it’s in the subconscious, so the subconscious mind, and that’s just a very common day analogy, but the subconscious mind is, is the habitual mind that’s been programmed with certain ideas or realities and then it lives those realities out.
I was programmed to believe that money was the root of all evil. I was bad if I had it and I wasn’t good enough or smart enough to have it because first of all, I was like, I’m a college dropout. I was 19 years old when I dropped out of college. I decided I wanted to become an author. Everyone said it wouldn’t work and so I didn’t believe I can be successful. I wasn’t. I wasn’t intellectual enough, right? Like I wanted to publish with the biggest publishing companies in the world, but I didn’t think I was good enough. Flash forward a few years later, I did what I’m about to share with you and now I published with the world’s number one publisher in the world, Penguin Random House, biggest New York publishing company in the world. What changed? My subconscious programming change. I realized that I was actually blocking money.