A lot of people think about how to get rich. Then, they develop a thought pattern that they cannot make it a reality. Here's how to avoid this.
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Nightmare LA Traffic Is The Key To Manifesting Financial Abundance FAST?? (WEIRD BUT TRUE)…
In this video I am walking around Los Angeles and having fun with the LA traffic and the aggressive drivers. I discuss how you can actually look for and attract prosperity into your life by counting the money and using the law of attraction by counting the money in all the cars.
People are honking and upset, just because it’s always like that in LA.
I simply laugh and remind you about how to harness the power of the law of attraction to manifest joy, and financial abundance.
Life can be joyful and good when you know that the law of attraction is always working.
Nightmare LA traffic and loud honking and aggressive drivers can actually be a wonderful and enlightening reminder to not take life so seriously.
Instead of getting wrapped up in it and having the law of attraction work negatively, you can take a breath and reminder that you are a spiritual being in a physical experience.
Count the prosperity. Use that to manifest financial abundance fast.
Nightmare LA Traffic Is The Key To Manifesting Financial Abundance FAST?? (WEIRD BUT TRUE)…