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What NOBODY Tells You About MEDITATION and ENLIGHTENMENT | (Meditation For Beginners)

What NOBODY Tells You About MEDITATION and Enlightenment | (Meditation For Beginners)

See nobody’s talking about this, about how to meditate. People will tell you every benefit from it occurred regarding meditation. they say it cures Depression, your ADHD, radiate your add, your health benefits going to help you and track more money. It’s gonna make you concentrate more. It’s gonna help you be happier. It’s going to lower your blood pressure is like you can just Google meditation benefits and find 9 million of them. But what nobody talks about is I think the most important thing, if you want to be able to use enlightenment, if you want to be able to use meditation to tap into a deeper level of enlightenment, if you want to be able to use meditation for the maximum benefits. This is Jake Ducey and I kind of figured this out. I, when I was, I went to a monastery in Thailand and meditated for like 10 to 14 hours a day for a few weeks and I kinda just started realizing that this is what nobody tells you about how to meditate. Let’s dive right into this video.

First of all, it doesn’t have to be complicated. You know, I used to think it was this complicated thing and so the mind gets involved, right? And the mind thinks that there is a certain technique you have to do, right? Like whether it’s transcendental meditation or you have to do this, you have the, you have to do it this way. If anybody’s trying to make it complicated, they probably don’t know what they’re talking about. That’s just like the truth. And peace is simple. Peace is simple. The point of meditation is to cultivate peace. Now you can utilize this increased energy to attract what you want to handle. Relationships better, stress, better, whatever you want to do with it, but peace is simple. Comment down below piece is simple. Comment that down below piece is simple. Now what I mean by that is, you know the meditation that I generally practice is by pasta, but pasta is simply focusing on the rising and falling of your own breathing.

Quite literally saying to yourself, rising as your stomach expands, as on an inhale and falling as it contracts and getting intensely aware of your own breath. The reason that you do this is to cultivate presence. The point of meditation is to be in the present moment. Think about how much suffering we create by living in the past and living in ante an anticipation of an anxiety of possible bad things that might happen in the future. That’s what robs us of so much of peace, joy, happiness, and freedom that we’re truly deserving of and destined to have. But you have to be present. Anything that over complicates being present is not about being present because being present is simple. It’s not always easy, but it’s certainly simple. I’m gonna plug my thing in right there. Got It. So the whole point of meditation is focusing on the rising and falling of your breathing, or better yet cultivating presence.

So you no need to sit. One time someone told me that unless you sit like a monk in full lotus pose, you cannot meditate properly or be enlightened. Man, you’re out of your mind. It doesn’t matter how you, I think sitting’s probably the best position, but it really doesn’t matter if lying down is what’s best for you. Lie Down. There’s no such thing as walking meditations too. The whole point is to just get comfortable and cultivate peace and get present. So right now, if just for a moment, go like this, rising with your own breath as you inhale, go rising, falling


What NOBODY Tells You About MEDITATION and ENLIGHTENMENT | (Meditation For Beginners)
What NOBODY Tells You About MEDITATION and ENLIGHTENMENT | (Meditation For Beginners)

What nobody talks about is, if you want to be able to use enlightenment, and to be able to use meditation to tap into a deeper level of enlightenment...

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