The Law of Attraction is one of the Universal Laws that govern our lives and our ability to create the life we want and to achieve our dreams. Intentional living is a powerful way to use this Law to create the life that you’ve always wanted. Intentional living is the practice of setting intentions, making positive choices, and focusing solely on what you want, while letting go of all that you don’t want.
A great place to start when it comes to using the Law of Attraction through intentional living is to get clear on what it is you desire. This could be anything from a great job, a loving relationship, improved health, more money, and more. Once you have your intention in mind, write it down, speak it out loud, and visualize it. The more you state your desires and the more detailed a picture you create the more clearly you attract these things into your life.
The next step after setting an intention is to start taking daily actions that align with that intention. You don’t have to have a long-term plan yet, rather, just focus on what you can do right now that will move you closer to your dream. This might mean studying for a test if your intention is to get into a special college program, networking with people in your job industry if your intention is finding a job, or learning more about love if your intention is to attract a great partner. Every action brings you one step closer to your goal.
Finally, when you begin doing the work and taking action, you need to remain focused, positive, and open to the possibilities. Don’t let negative thinking hold you back, trust in the universe and the law of attraction that all that you need will come to you, and be sure to remain open and flexible to the possibilities that could come up.
By using the Universal Law of Attraction through intentional living, you can create the life of your dreams and achieve your greatest desires. With focus and action, trust in yourself and the positive forces of the universe, you will be able to attract into your life whatever it is that you desire.

Article Name
Implementing Intentional Living to Achieve Your Dreams Using the Law of Attraction
Intentional living is a powerful way to use this Law to create the life that you've always wanted.
Christine Abela