The original Law of Attraction material was published in the early 1900s. The 4 principles of the Law of Attraction are:
1. You are the creator of your own reality.
2. Your thoughts and emotions create your reality.
3. You can change your thoughts and emotions to change your reality.
4. The universe is infinite and you can tap into its power to create the life you want.
The Law of Attraction is based on the premise that we are each vibrational beings, made up of energy, and that our thoughts and emotions create our reality. Every thought we have and every emotion we feel emits a vibration. This vibration attracts back to us experiences and circumstances that match that frequency. So, if we want to change our reality, we need to change our vibration.
According to the Law of Attraction, we can change our vibration by changing our thoughts and emotions. If we want to attract more love into our lives, for example, we need to focus on thoughts and emotions that are associated with love. We can do this by practicing gratitude, by focusing on what we do have rather than what we don’t have. We can also focus on positive aspects of our relationships, rather than the negative.
The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool that can be used to create the life you want. By changing your thoughts and emotions, you can change your vibration and attract experiences and circumstances that match your new vibration. The sky is the limit!

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The 4 principles of the Law of Attraction
By changing your thoughts and emotions, you can change your vibration and attract experiences and circumstances that match your new vibration.
Christine Abela