HIDDEN TEACHINGS of The Bible Explains How To MANIFEST What You Want In 24 HOURS
What is the 24 Hours law of attraction manifestation technique? We discuss bible teachings in a new way that explains consciousness and the law of attraction.
What is the 24 Hours law of attraction manifestation technique? We discuss bible teachings in a new way that explains consciousness and the law of attraction.
What would happen if you could see yourself naked, if you could see yourself beyond this body – what would you see? You would see a glimpse of God.
CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and one of the most overlooked, most powerful lessons in the bible. This is about how to live a more fulfilling and enlightening life.
How the law of attraction can positively impact your morning and Jake Ducey gives you his exact morning routine and morning ritual.
Is the law of attraction working for you? How do you know if the law of attraction is working for you?
This is going to surprise some people. It’s going to offend some people. And it’s going to open up the key to the whole universe to a bunch of other people.
Live by FAITH. NOT by sight. What does this even mean? And what does it have to do with manifestation, consciousness, and the law of attraction?
Literally one shift & you align yourself with the energy of what you want. See it come into your life without having to hustle and grind to make it happen.
I don’t identify with any religion, but I have a spiritual connection to a higher power. You can call that God … You can call whatever you want.”Jake Ducey
This video is on the SECRET JESUS TEACHING Of The Bible Explaining Consciousness And The Law of Attraction.
“The person that has more will be given. When you’re in a framework of abundance, you will attract more abundance into your life.” – Jake Ducey
This Bible teaching was hidden from humanity, and it is the key to attract what you want using the law of attraction.
The SECRET JESUS TEACHING Of The Bible Explaining Consciousness And The Law of Attraction.
“For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.”